Sunday, December 25, 2011

Filmmaker Brian Kazmarck

Brian Kazmarck is an award-winning filmmaker whose films have screened across the country. His short "Unaware" won the 2007 Cross Culture Media "Impact the World" Filmmaker's award. "Game Theory," a crime thriller, (2009) was selected to multiple film festivals across the country including the Festivus Film Festival, FirstGlance Philadelphia, and the Bare Bones International Film Festival. His second independent short film, "Dandi Lyon" (2010), a thriller/dark comedy premiered at the 2010 Hoboken International Film Festival and played nationally at several other film festivals. "Terminal Legacy" is his debut feature.

He is the owner of Open Fire Films, LLC

What is the current project your working on?

I'm currently finishing up post-production on my debut feature, "Terminal Legacy." It's an apocalyptic sci-fi/action/horror hybrid with a zombie slant. We've likened it to a cross between the Crazies and I Am Legend, except it's more of a prequel to both of those. It's about the events leading up to the apocalypse, not the aftermath. And, it's about the men responsible, it's not a "survivors on the run" story.

What is the casting process like?

This casting process was quite interesting. Most of the roles were written with specific people in mind and the ones that weren't were narrowed down to a few people we already knew. We did extensive callback-like auditions for those and chose the best person for the role.

How do you measure success?

I suppose success is best defined as doing what you love, doing it well, doing it consistently, and making sure that it's doing good for others. With film, the goal is to entertain, but, you also have the opportunity to affect lives.

How do you handle rejection?

With a lot of drugs and alcohol. No, but seriously, you just take it in stride. You try to learn from it and get back up after you get knocked down. Easier said that done, right?

Did you always want to be a filmmaker?

No. I always liked to tell stories. I wrote a lot of shorts stories, drew my own comic books, wrote a novel (more art as therapy), but, it all felt incomplete. Filmmaking is the ultimate realization of storytelling.

What inspired you to become a filmmaker?

Well, I think part of it was that I wanted the stories I told to be seen and heard, rather than read on paper. I think the other half was that I wanted to affect people's lives through it. I think film is a great way to engage the culture we live in; ask questions, get people thinking, make them FEEL something.

What is the best thing about being a filmmaker?

There are lots of good things, it's hard to narrow it down. I'd say there's a sense of accomplishment seeing your labor of love on the big screen. There's also the interaction with your audience...I suppose big Hollywood filmmakers don't get that much, if at all. And then, if you evoke an emotion out of someone, the emotion you were going for...well, that's what you wanted to do.

What is the worst thing about being one?

The stress. There's also the temptation to take too much credit for your accomplishments and bask in your own glory.

What is the estimated number of projects you have worked on?

I think I've worked on about 40+ shorts, some of them my own. "Terminal Legacy," was my first feature film set. I'm happy that the first one I worked on was my project.

Who is is your favorite filmmaker?

I actually am equally fond of David Fincher, James Cameron, P.T. Anderson, & Steven Spielberg

How has your life changed since you became a filmmaker?

Drastically. Too many changes to count. Suffice to say that filmmaking isn't just a job, it's a career that's hard to keep out of your personal life.

What is one piece of advice you can give to someone who also wants to become a filmmaker?

It takes a lot of time and dedication. Things do not happen overnight. Be patient and persistent.

What do you like to do besides filmmaking?

I like to people watch, read, be with a few close friends, go for loooong walks (on the beach if possible...hey, the beach is awesome, leave me alone), I like to do active things, but am not a thriller seeker. Hiking, but not bungee jumping. Para-sailing, but not sky-diving. I've been itching to travel more and more. I've yet to see much of the world, and am eager to. I also just enjoy relaxing at home and doing nothing. I'm easily amused like that.

Have you had any other jobs before you decided to become a filmmaker?

I worked as a retail sales clerk & manager. I also did real estate before filmmaking.

What are some of your favorite American films? Foreign films? Television shows?

In no particular order: Minority Report, 12 Monkeys, Dark City, Aliens, T2, Braveheart, Spider-Man 2, L.A. Confidential, The Fifth Element, The Castle, Casablanca, Rear Window, JFK. Foreign Films - I need to expand my exposure to these, but, I did just recently watch Amelie and quite enjoyed it. Also really liked Let The Right One In. - TV shows? Currently Breaking Bad tops my list, by a wide margin.

How would you describe your film education?

Very hands on. Went to an intensive program where we were thrown into the fire. I think I've also learned a lot (if not more) by working at an acting school, shooting and editing scenes. Plus, every set I work on I typically learn something new. It's really an ongoing learning process.

How would you describe the film "scene" where you live?

New York City is the mecca of indie film. So, there's a huge dirge of talent and competition here.

How has social media changed the film industry?

I think it's helped unite filmmakers across the country. It also increases the chances of exposure as well as being able to directly connect with your audience. That seems to be a growing trend in the indie scene. Not sure where it's leading yet, but, it's leading somewhere.

What's your opinion on crowdfunding?

I hate it, but, it's a genius idea. It has certainly afforded filmmakers more opportunities to make their films on their terms. And as with social media, it serves as a way of connecting directly with your audience as well as promoting the film. We just had a successful kickstarter campaign, and the campaign itself has gained us a ton more exposure than before. Instead of being known to our local community, we're now a blip on the map...a small blip, but, we're out there now.

How does independent film differ from the mainstream?

Well, indie film isn't made by the studios. Filmmakers have much more creative control over their product, which could be good or bad. I think the biggest difference you hear is that, because most indie films are made for much less money, the filmmakers have to be that much more creative in how to tell their story, which is generally true.

You could go back in time and see any film being made. Which film would it be and why?

Showgirls. Hah. I don't know, I think I'd be really curious to be on the set of The Abyss.

What's your favorite quote and why?

"Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue." - Proverbs 17:28. Wise, practical wisdom to live by if you ask me.

What is your opinion on movie remakes and sequels?

It's give and take. In regards to remakes, if it was a substandard film with a good premise, it might warrant a remake. Otherwise, films are usually best not to be remade. Sequels are tricky; it's a mixed bag really. The Godfather Part II, Aliens, T2, Spider-Man 2 are just a few sequels that are either up to part with the original or exceed it. However, the Matrix & Pirates of the Caribbean sequels were rushed and not very good. I suppose if you have a good and justifiable continuation of the story, a sequel would be warranted. In the case of something like Speed response was, "why?"

What is your opinion on book to movie adaptions?

I'm fine with it. I'm of the mind that you shouldn't compare a film to it's source material because they're 2 extremely different mediums. There are exceptional adaptations (L.A. Confidential) and there are substandard ones (The Black Dahlia). But, as it is, L.A. Confidential is just a better film than the Black Dahlia. Consequently, I liked The Black Dahlia novel better than L.A. Confidential.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Thank you for the interview. =]


Thank you for doing the interview Brian. I wish you all the best with  your post production. I plan on seeing "Terminal Legacy" when it comes to a film festival near me.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hayden Black: Writer/Co-Star/Executive Producer "Goodnight Burbank"

Hailing from Manchester, England, Hayden moved to the US in ’97 because he wanted to better understand the culture that produced 5 different home shopping networks. Hayden once sang with early ‘90’s new wave band The The The – but they only lasted long enough to put out one single, the ill-fated “I’d Love It If You Acknowledged I Exist.” Shoving all those dreams into a bottle and burying it somewhere in the garden, Hayden eventually carved out a career in radio shipping news and has used that talent to catapult him to success here in Los Angeles. Watch Goodnight Burbank at and follow him on twitter at @HaydenBlack or don't - he really doesn't mind.

What is the current project your working on?

I'm writing season two of Goodnight Burbank. Lots of silly stuff in this one; Gordon gets a paraplegic girlfriend who's more active than he is and Whitney gets married to..well, I don't want to give anything away. Oh, and Holly has her baby.

If you could father any "Goodnight Burbank" cast members baby. Who would it be and why?

I would father Cameron Bender's baby as the resulting offspring would be so handsome it would destroy people who gaze at it with its good looks. A weapon of mass-destruction to be used for good.

How do you measure success?

There's so many levels to it. I think for the New Media clique, a good measure is this: if you're not following someone on Facebook and Twitter and you STILL hear about them, then they're doing pretty damn good.

How do you handle rejection?

I eat my feelings. Then cry for dessert.

Did you always want to be work in the entertainment industry?

The first thing I can remember wanting to be was an actor. Or was it Dr. Who. I think it was Dr. Who. So there you go, I initially wanted to work in a space/time machine and fight Daleks.

What inspired you to create "Goodnight Burbank"?

Seeing how powerful the news can be and how it shapes our fears and opinions. I wanted to burst that bubble to show how human and idiotic (read: as normal as you or me) these people are.

What is the best thing about creating a webseries?

Total creative control.

What is the worst thing about creating one?

Total creative control. Oh, and having to worry about shit like craft services.

What is the estimated number of projects you have worked on?

Goodnight Burbank, Abigail's Teen Diary, The Occulterers and a pilot for The Cabonauts. So that's 8. I wish I was better at math.

Have you ever milked a goat?

I haven't, but I've finger-banged one and it produced something that looked like milk.

Who is your favorite filmmaker?

I think Edgar Wright is a genius. Very smart guy. And funny.

How has your life changed since you created "Goodnight Burbank"?

Laura Silverman takes my calls. Not all of them though, which is how I stay grounded.

What is one piece of advice you can give to someone who also wants to become a writer?

Write till you're bleeding then keep writing. Re-writing should be your best friend.

What do you like to do besides working on "Goodnight Burbank"?

Taking walks with my dog. Admiring internet porn.

Have you had any other jobs before you decided create your webseries?

I used to work as a promo writer/producer for the networks. Stuck in a windowless edit bay trying to make other people's shitty shows look good. I hear Hitler considered using them in his camps but decided against it as even he had standards.

What are some of your favorite American films? Foreign films? Television shows?

I've never been a huge movie fan per se - I enjoy them but I rarely watch them more than once. TV shows on the other hand I love and re-watch. US ones include 30 Rock, Daily Show, Modern Family and my current absolute favorite American Horror Story. Recent UK ones I've loved include Black Mirror, Fresh Meat and Life is Too Short.

Why is "Doctor Who" so awesome?

That's like asking why chocolate milk is so great. It just is.

Have you met any of the "Doctor Who" cast or crew?

I have! Little known fact: when I was still in high school, John Nathan Turner, the producer of Dr Who in the 80s, encouraged me to become a writer after reading some sketches I'd written. In fact he asked if I wanted to write a Dr Who! Sadly it was cancelled before I could. This was in 89.  I've since met Matt Smith and Karen Gillan who are both lovely people.

How would you describe your film education?

Watching films then wondering how they did it.

How would you describe the film "scene" where you live?

I live in Los Angeles which doesn't have a film or TV scene. At least, I haven't found it yet.

How has social media changed the film industry?

It's opened up the doors to distribution so now anyone who wants to be brilliant can be without waiting for anyone else's permission.

What's your opinion on crowdfunding?

I think it's great! Haven't used it yet but I think it's a great idea.

How does independent film differ from the mainstream?

Well generally it means there's been less people changing it and it also means less money.

You could go back in time and see any film being made. Which film would it be and why?

I'll pick a TV show instead and go with Fawlty Towers. But that includes watching John and Connie write.

What's your favorite quote and why?

"There's a million reasons to say no to something but only one reason to say yes - and that's that you can't think of a million reasons to say no." I love that quote because 1) it's so true and 2) because it's mine.

What is your opinion on movie remakes and sequels?

Do what you want. I don't have to watch it if I don't want to.

What is your opinion on book to movie adaptions?

The 11th Commandment states "Thy Shalt Always Produce A Moving Picture of this Granite Hieroglyphic" so I guess they're just following biblical law.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Yes! I'd like to add Mark Cuban's bank account to my own.

Author Volatalistic Phil

Volatalistic Phil is a 26 year old, male author, currently living in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He was born, and raised for the most part, in the "Land of Enchantment"--New Mexico. He is a recovering alcoholic/addict. He is currently in college pursuing degrees in Philosophy and English.

Volatalistic Phil has an interest in people and the community around him. He enjoys taking part in experiences that can help enrich his own life as well as the lives of those around him. He is easy going and feels that he would, "hate to be so busy that I couldn't take time to answer some questions for some of my readers."

From Volatalistic Phil:

I'm goofy, random, and cynical at times. I'm sometimes insecure and sometimes needy. I am sometimes courageous and sometimes not. I am perfect at times and less than perfect at other times. I am a human being, no more and no less, I suppose. I love movies and music. Writing is something that I am passionate about and really enjoy doing. Though it is fresh start in a new direction, I am hopeful. I play guitar and bass. I dabble on and off with playing the piano, as I'm attempting to learn that.

I'm interested in: Chinese food, Vietnamese food, books, knowledge,cars, movies, music, school, Dickies, Zebra Cakes, Monster Energy drinks, Chuck Taylor Converse All-Star shoes, Chuck Taylor, the color green, the color blue, names that start with N, J, K, V and M. I'm also interested in black holes and I'd like to someday find where Gotham City is actually located.

Much Love,

Volatalistic Phil

What is the current project you are working on?

I’m working on volume two of the Flash Fiction 40+1 series.

I just released on December 15th. I’m not sure what the second installment will be titled, but I’ll know when I get there. Volume one is called Flash Fiction 40+1: New Mexican Bread Aisle. The other project I’m currently working on is the sequel to my first book, My Mind’s Abyss. The sequel will be tentatively known as MyMind’s Abyss: Relapse.

How do you define success?

I suppose that in a nutshell, and taking an Aristotelian approach to defining success; I define success as being happy. I believe to be successful it takes hard work and dedication. I think by choosing experiences in life and making the choices to take part in those experiences, determine your level of success and in turn, your happiness. If I can be successful with my goals that will bring me to these experiences I have chosen to take part in, then I could be happy. I am sometimes conflicted when trying to think of ways to be both content and happy at the same time. To put it plainly, the sky is the limit—or is it?

How do you handle rejection?

I handle rejection in the most human way possible. I wish that I could tell you that I handle it with grace, but that isn’t always the immediate case. At first, I may trample myself for a moment, but I try to look at rejection as constructive criticism. From there, I think of ways that I can approve upon the said rejection. Rejection isn’t always bad though, I suppose it just depends upon the way you perceive it and what your anticipated reaction was.

Did you always want to be a writer?

After giving this some serious thought, I think that I just wanted to be a liar. Growing up, I wanted to be a lawyer, a writer, an actor, a politician or a musician.

What inspired you to become a writer?

I hate to keep getting all philosophical, because I don’t want someone to think I’m egotistical, but fear inspired me. Thomas Hobbes wrote about fear being a motivator of people. I had this great fear, while mostly dealing with the side-effects of withdrawals from alcohol and other substance abuse, as well as emotions and everything that entails, that I was going to die. I had this fear that I was going to die and the world was never going to know that I existed. I had this fear that I was going to die and I hadn’t made any type of significant contribution to the world.

What is the best thing about being one?

Feeling like the color red in a black and white photograph.

What is the worst thing about being one?

I am truly enjoying it, but I would say the very long working hours, though a double-edged sword, and the lack of cheaper healthcare benefits.

What is the estimated number of projects you have worked on?

I’m going to omit school writing projects. To the best of my ability to guess the number of writing projects that I’ve worked on, I say about eight or nine.

Who is your favorite author?

J.D. Salinger

How has your life changed since you became writer?

It has enriched and continues to enrich my life. In short, the long hours of being a writer coincide perfectly with my dwindling social life. I am learning a lot about myself and about the world through writing. I am always meeting different types of people and it is a lot of fun to interact with and learn from them. Financially, it has remained about the same. Socially, outside of my immediate stomping ground, it has been somewhat of a bump in social status. It is hard to explain, but people seem to look at me as “a writer” instead of just “a person,” especially at school. At the risk of sounding narcissistic, I feel as though I have this great responsibility to myself, my friends and family, and my community.

What is one piece of advice you can give to someone who also wants to be a writer?

I almost feel inadequate to answer this question, but my advice is to do it. Write about it, do not talk about it. Honest truth, I do not know if I am a good writer or not. Some people may hate my writings, and others may enjoy them, but the point is I’m doing it. I know I was probably a terrible writer growing up, though the first book I ever wrote was a tiny one about a turtle, when I was five years old. So I feel that it’s a process, and I believe that I will continue to improve. Growing up, I was in plenty of remedial English classes that followed me even into college. I am happy to be finally able to say that I am 26 years old and as of yesterday, I received my first overall term grade of an A in English 102. That may have little to say about my actual abilities as a writer, but I think it says something about writing progress and commitment to doing something.

What do you like to do besides writing?

I like to lounge around drinking coffee and observing people. I like cycling. I like playing guitar, listening to music, watching movies, reading, and taking part in good conversations. I also very much enjoy watching the television show The Walking Dead, but they have broken my heart until they return in February.

Have you had any other jobs before you decided to become a writer?

Oh, yeah. I’ve had some jobs. I’ve been a musician, though there was mostly only free beer, food and party favors involved with that, and no money to live off of. I’ve been a security guard, a mechanic, worked at least five fast food jobs, had a newspaper route, worked at least six call center jobs involving selling insurance, mortgages, newspaper subscriptions and being technical support. I’ve owned my own clothing line that was featured in a couple of stores in town. I’ve worked at a few restaurants as a busboy, a dishwasher and a cook. I’ve worked on a farm bagging onions. I’ve worked at a bank, a couple of auto part stores, and worked as a gas station clerk. I’ve also been a dad and a boyfriend, which were two of my favorite jobs. I know there are probably other jobs I’ve worked, but I can’t remember all of them right now.

How would you describe your education?

I describe it as being similar to my job history—all over the place with periods of gaps. I’m currently in college, again, for the third time, but I’ve been going strong and some say the “third is the charm.”

What are some of your favorite American films? Foreign films? Television shows?

In no particular order, American: Step Brothers, The Shawshank Redemption, Donnie Darko, Dawn of the Dead, Robocop (all), No country For Old Men, Terminator (all).

Foreign films: Y Tu Mamá También, Un Chien Andalou, Ikiru (To live, ‘90’s adaptation).

Television shows; The Walking Dead, Scrubs, My Name Is Earl, How I Met Your Mother, American Dad!

How has social media changed the publishing industry?

I think that in some ways it has taken away their drugs and they want them back. I feel like the fat cats of the publishing industry are becoming more creative and are working harder to keep their positions in the hierarchy of things. It really gives me hope that social media could possibly bridge the gap and lead to more synergy. In other ways, I think that it has served as catalyst for the publishing industry, directly or indirectly, and especially for the self-publisher.

How does independent film differ from the mainstream?

Sometimes independent films are almost too real, removing some of the censorship, shocking you. All things considered, I think that the excellent independent film might be a result of a shortfall in an adequate budget, which inspires the ability to develop the story better and utilize all of their resources to the best of their abilities. The mainstream film industry is incredibly amazing as well. There is so much talent involved in great mainstream movies, but they also have a fantastic budget that alone could bankrupt someone with a lunch tab.

You could have any first edition book. Which book would it be and why?

The Holy Bible, so I could interpret it for myself, eliminating any bias in telling others.

Do you believe in life on other planets?

In the possibility, yes.

What's your favorite movie quote and why?

“I really don't think this is the right way to start a working relationship. You got a real, a real bad attitude, lady. In fact, I don't even want your job; I don't care how much you'd pay me, 'cause I got integrity, in-fucking-tegrity. Raahh!” – SLC Punk Not in the context of selling women’s clothing, as it were like in the movie, but more so of my own integrity and unwillingness to compromise that, even in working situations.

What is your opinion on movie remakes and sequels?

I enjoy them, but they must be just as good as or better than the first. The people involved must work very hard to attain this level of quality.

What is your opinion on book to movie adaptions?

I love them! I am for it!

Is there anything else you would like to add?

No. I think I’ve probably said entirely too much in this interview.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Publicist Lindsey Rowe

Lindsey Rowe is a public relations professional, social media aficionado, amateur photographer and philanthropy enthusiast in Los Angeles. She co-chairs the PR and media committee for a childrens advocacy red carpet event as well as gives of her time and talents to various other charitable causes that are near and dear to her heart.

Lindsey has two adopted siblings with cleft palates and has witnessed first hand the struggle that children with clefts and their families endure. She has also experienced the resilience and spirit of those same children who are able to overcome their challenges and has been inspired by them to bring awareness to this cause.

What is the current project you are working on?

Currently, I am producing a documentary called Gwapa (Beautiful)that follows a poor Filipino family's struggle for a healthy future and a mother's remarkable journey to help her three kids with facial deformities.

Every year, 4,000 - 5,000 Filipino children are born with cleft lip, cleft palate, or both. Cleft lip and palate are two the most common and curable of birth defects. Sadly, most clefts go unrepaired in developing countries. Just one surgery can change a child's life forever.

What's it like working with the crew at Thirsty Girl Films? 

BUSY! This is a passion project for our whole crew, so we are putting our hearts and souls into it which means many long nights and weekends! We are all so dedicated to the film and the cause and that makes all the effort very rewarding!

How do you measure success?

All depends on what the goal is. Happy clients = success

How do you handle rejection?

Haha. As a publicist, I hear 'no' a lot! Water off a duck's back at this point!

Did you always want to be a publicist?

I actually fell into publicity. I could not have planned or foreseen this life for myself! All the pieces seem to be falling into place. It just reinforces the fact that we are all part of a beautiful tapestry much bigger than ourselves.

What is the best thing about being one?

Having the ability and connectivity to bring awareness to important causes and projects!

What is the worst thing about being one?


What is the estimated number of projects you have worked on?

More than I can remember. Between my professional life and personal side passion projects, I should be committed.

How has your life changed since you became a publicist?

2 words: SOCIAL MEDIA> The influx of information is astonishing, and you always have to be "ON".

What is one piece of advice you can give to someone who also wants to become a publicist?

Be prepared for the lines to be blurred between your personal and professional life.

Have you had any other jobs before you decided to become a publicist?  

Teaching preschool, which I think uses a similar skill set only because you've always got a pleasant demeanor and smiling face while constantly diffusing problems of all kinds!

How has social media changed the independent film industry?

Thirsty Girl Films recently ran a crowdfunding campaign for Gwapa 'Beautiful' on IndieGogo. It was my first time participating in crowdfunding and it was definitely an eye opener. The power or social media is astounding.

What's your favorite quote and why?

I am one of those obnoxious people who posts daily inspirational quotes! I just love to start my day that way! But the quote that I feel really speaks to me is one I have in my email signature. I love the simplicity of it.  "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." ~William James

Do you support any charitable foundations?

I do! I have worked with many AMAZING foundations and charities. I sit on the planning committees for two charity red carpet events. One is an LA animal rescue organization called Kitten Rescue ( and the other is First Star ( a children's advocacy organization that fights for the rights of abused and neglected children in the foster care system. 

I highly encourage everyone to find a cause they are passionate about and get involved, it will enrich your life beyond your wildest dreams. 


Thanks for doing the interview Lindsey. I think Gwapa is a wonderful project. I will be keeping an eye on the project and Thirsty Girl Films.   Speaking of charities, I hope people will check out

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cheeks From "Husbands"

Cheeks attended Los Angeles City College to pursue film production before studying improv and becoming a graduate of Second City Hollywood. He then appeared as himself to mentor a young gay teen in the ways of “being confident and fabulous” on MTV’s Why Can’t I Be You? This experience sparked his drive to inspire others by being a free spirited and creative model of the modern man. He adopted the moniker Cheeks, a nickname bestowed by Paris Hilton, and began building a fan base by releasing short form comedy videos on You Tube. Cheeks then recorded an electropop EP titled The Boy From Venus, and followed with Glambition and T.C.M.C.; both charted on iTunes Top 10 Electronic Music downloads. In 2011, Cheeks founded the entertainment and lifestyle website WeYüMe. Cheeks can currently be seen in Husbands the Series at and in Billy Clift’s I Want To Get Married, now on DVD. You can follow Cheeks on Twitter @gocheeksgo.

What inspired you to create your website "WeYüMe"?

Living a life that is rich with laughter, information, thoughtfulness, introspection, and friends. How can I better provide that for people? That was where I started. Pursuing my own success simply for the sake of my own success left me feeling empty. I thought, "am I going to sacrifice having a relationship and a social life and privacy for success?" What was I giving to people? To the world? When developing original web content full time became an option for me, WeYuMe was born.

How do you measure success?

I measure success by whether or not I'm meeting the goals I've set for myself. I try not to let outside factors weigh in too much. Ie, is it being validated by the public, making money, winning awards. If I set out to create something and then I create it, I've succeeded. Whether or not it reaches millions, makes millions, or brings me endless acclaim -- none of that matters. Ideally, you determine what it is you love, you commit to doing it, and you do it. To me, that's succeeding.

How do you handle rejection?

Rejection is such an awful term. It's become standard industry lingo, which is a shame, because it's an incorrect use of the word. Poor actors. No wonder they're so fragile. They keep telling themselves they're being rejected and go back to their catering jobs feeling vulnerable when really, there's no need for all that.

No one gets "rejected," they simply don't get the role. Rejection would be if the casting director said, "Oh dear god, what were you thinking?! YOU? YOU?? Ha! Get the hell out of here before I blacklist you for wasting my time." Now, I'm sure somewhere, something like that has happened. But 99 times out of 100, you read your lines, they smile and say thank you, and you leave. No one kicks you to the curb. One can't take things too personally and expect to survive in Hollywood.

What is the best thing about starring a webseries?

The incredible outpouring of love and support from fans all over the world. It's different than a project with mass media exposure because there's an intimacy that exists with you and your audience. I get to interact directly with the people I'm making it for, the people who love it, who get my sense of humor, who encourage me when I'm overworked and feel like giving up. It's like hosting a party where I perform a play for friends around the world. Every day, more friends show up to the party. It's wonderful. It's by far my favorite thing.

What is the worst thing about starring in a webseries?

Unfortunately, the Internet is still the red headed step child of entertainment. Forty years ago, if a movie star transitioned into television it was seen as a downgrade. Today, TV is arguably a better gig for working actors. That's how I see the Internet.

There are incredible, crafted, smart projects that resonate with thousands or millions of people, yet a perception exists that it's not up to par with "real" entertainment. When you consider this idea, it's really quite an ignorant mentality. Just because anyone can put anything online, it must mean everything online is amateur. When a show or personality isn't on a massive outlet like film or TV (which also features quite a bit of low brow content, by the way) a large majority of the public think it must not be that good, otherwise it would be "legit."

This mentality will change. It's changing now. In my opinion, anyone who carries this derogatory view of online entertainment into the next decade will only immediately identify themselves as out of touch. Like when people say, "Did you tape it?" No. I DVR'd it.

What is the estimated number of projects you have worked on?

Oh god, no idea. Um, twentysomething-ish? Maybe more?

How has your life changed since you became involved with "Husbands"?

I get recognized at Starbucks now! After it happened a few days in a row I was like, "Damn, I gotta start getting cute before I leave the house. No more of this backwards hat and sweatpants look." Husbands has opened up big opportunities for me. Life changing. I've learned a lot about all elements of production, myself, the craft of writing, the inner workings of Hollywood and new media. I made wonderful new friends like Sean Hemeon and Jeff Greenstein. Actually, I can say with full confidence that I am not even close to seeing the massive impact that creating Husbands will eventually have on my life. This is all very hard to explain without going into details that are still very hush hush, but Husbands is only starting to be as life changing and big as it will ultimately be.

What is one piece of advice you can give to someone who also wants become an actor?

Well, first, that rejection bit. I'd tell them that. Then I'd strongly encourage them to ask themselves: why do I want to be an actor? If it's for fame or money, give up. If it's because you have some idealized dream of people loving you all day or how much "fun" it would be to appear on TV, give up.

Picture yourself as a fifty year old bank teller who is just deliriously happy to act on Thursday nights with your community theatre because it's what you love most. Could you be happy with that life? If not, then don't pursue acting.

It's hard. Its dark. It's lonely. I remember, years ago, eating Chef Boyardee out of a measuring cup after a long day working as a telemarketer. About to take my first bite, I started laughing my ass off. I thought, "This is actually what living the dream is all about." My state of misery was absolutely hilarious. If that doesn't sound like something you can laugh at, a career in show business is not for you.

So, if all that sounds doable to you, my advice would be to work harder than anyone else. Submit your head shots at 7am when other wanna-be actors are sleeping. Never expect your agent to get you work. That's not their job. Make friends with everyone. Never complain, especially about other people. Most importantly, know your strengths. If you're a Kathy Griffin type, don't try to be a Reese Witherspoon. Be honest with yourself about what you can and can't do.

What do you like to do besides working on your webseries and website?

You mean... there's other things?! It's been so long. I can't even remember. I like to go to this place. It's called -- oh what's the name of it? Outdoors, I think? There are big trees and lots of nature type things. I like to go there and sleep under the stars. I like to listen to the sound of nothing. I like to sit under trees and let them tell me about all the things they've seen in their time on Earth. I also really like to dance. Naked. In the forest.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

It's the end of the interview, but I feel like this is only the beginning of the good stuff to come. 2012 is going to be a huge year ...and not just cause it's the apocalypse, other stuff too.


Thank you for doing the interview.  I'm a HUGE fan of you and the rest of the cast and crew of "Husbands". I look forward to seeing what happens in 2012 with the show. I'm also going to look out for new stuff going on at your website.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sean Hemeon AKA Brady on "Husbands"

Sean Hemeon  is the son of a Gas Station Owner and Fine Artist and was born and raised in the DC metropolitan area of Tysons Corner, Virginia. Having three older brothers, and two younger sisters and a younger brother – Hemeon grew up in a full house. He found time for himself in reading and writing and staying after school for the drama programs. In high school, he followed his brothers’ athletic legacy and played football and lacrosse. Throughout, though, he felt the pull to do more acting and joined in the theater classes and plays at the school. When it came time to decide what to do in college, there was no doubt that Hemeon wanted to be a performer. He went to Virginia Commonwealth University on a scholarship and shortly thereafter landed his first major acting role on American television in As The World Turns on CBS. He played Max, the first year film student and in having so much fun was convinced this was what he wanted to do.He has since made the move to Los Angeles where he considers it his new home. Recently, he was excited to play a Vampire on one of his favorite tv shows True Blood. You can follow Sean on Twitter @SeanHemeon.

What was it like working on "True Blood"?

I have a secret passion for vampires so for me it was honestly a fantasy come true. I really hope it doesn't end there because I cant wait to play a vampire again, maybe another episode or some other film/television show.

What is the estimated number of projects you have worked on?

Oh man, wow - what are we including here - theater as well? And does improv shows count? I don't know really - this is all so much fun for me that it just seems to all be one fun project. I've done music videos, to youtube videos, to tv, film and stage and that doesnt even count the countless improv shows Ive been involved in. Hundreds maybe?

What is the best thing about starring in a webseries?

I really loved that the creators were very open to me pitching jokes. I also loved that as I filled Brady out more, they stated writing the part around me. It was a very freeing experience for a performer.

What is the worst thing about starring in a webseries?

Sometimes the worst things make for the best stories - we had to totally guerilla shoot some scenes while being stalked by security guards. We also had to deal with the homeowner's loud cats and also shooting next to an airport.

How has your life changed since you became involved with "Husbands"?

I can see better! A really amazing Husbands fan gifted me with a pair of eye glasses. I thought that was pretty cool.

What is one piece of advice you can give to someone who also wants become an actor?

Don't - run away - get as far from acting as you can.Ruuuun!!

Now all those that just read that part and said "F - you Sean!" I welcome you to the craft of acting. It takes a kind of rebel energy to stay with this long enough to create a name for yourself. If each year you get closer than the last, then I think you're doing the right thing.

Are there any webseries (other than "Husbands") that you like to watch?

I think very mary kate is hilarious! And web therapy (obviously before it made the jump to tv)

What do you like to do besides acting?

I like being involved with Art - I've been a gallery director and I love nurturing newer artists. It's really inspiring to watch other creatives grow.

You could go back in time and act in any film. Which film would it be and why?

My all time favorite childhood film is Last of the Mohicans - Daniel Day Lewis is amazing in that. I think I just loved the idea of being a warrior like him and wildly going after the girl (or guy - dependent on reader) like all the 90's movies were so good at doing. I'm also part Native American and so there could be some of that going on.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Husbands isn't even close to being done yet! Stay with us - there may be some suprises coming in the future!


Thanks for doing the interview Sean. I love "Husbands". I'm also a big fan of "Last of the Mohicans".  I know you have  passion for vampires. Please check out the webseries @vampiremob on Twitter. I hope you'll like it.

Co-creator and executive producer of "Husbands" Jane Espenson

Jane Espenson is a 20-year veteran television writer and producer.  She's best known as a writer for science fiction and fantasy shows including Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Battlestar Galactica, Game of Thrones, Torchwood, and currently Once Upon a Time for ABC.  She's also co-creator and executive producer of Husbands, viewable at

How has your life changed since you became involved with "Husbands"?

Well, I was certainly busy when we were producing and editing it.  But the biggest change isn't to my life but to my attitude -- I really *get* the whole process of production in a way I didn't before.  I think I embraced the entire beginning-to-end of the process in a way I never really have before.

What is one piece of advice you can give to someone who wants become a writer?

A TV writer?  Move to LA.  It's funny -- production has moved all over the place out of LA, but the process of becoming a TV writer has sort of become more concentrated here.  Industry experience is becoming more important, so it's harder to start a writing career from out of state.

What is your writing process?

I tend to write while propped up on pillows, not sitting up at a desk.  I write quickly in concentrated short bursts.  Getting the first pass down can be kind of painful, but I love to polish a script to find just the right word.

What is your favorite Shakespeare play?

Hmm.  A Midsummer Nights' Dream, I think.  Funny!

What is the "atmosphere" like on the set of "Husbands"?

Amazing.  Jeff Greenstein directed with such a light touch, and our cast is so confident and funny -- the atmosphere was always light and fun and creative.    This series is a joy to shoot and the crew was amazing too -- so good.

How do you feel about movie and TV remakes?

Some are good and some aren't.  I worked on Battlestar Galactica, which was based on an earlier incarnation of the series, and I thought it was brilliant.  It's always about the quality of the product, not some aspect of the project, like where it started.

How does making a webseries differ from making a TV show?

It's smaller -- smaller crew, smaller salaries.  But it's also bigger because, as a producer, you're responsible for more aspects of the shoot, so the job gets bigger.  It was stressy, but wonderful.

How are they similar?

I felt that the quality of our director and our cast was totally equal to what I'd work with in TV, and of course the overall procedure was the same.  It was like I was doing what I usually do, just from a couple steps closer to the flames!

Is there anything you'd like to add?

I'm very proud of Husbands and we're hoping to make more content!  Follow us at @TeamHusbands and check us out at for updates!