Monday, September 26, 2011

Charles Simons III

Name: Charles Simons,III

Title (on Deader Days): Executive Producer

Company Assoc: Metronome Pictures

What is the current project you are working on? Deader Days and DuhmFownd

How do you handle rejection? Rejection is a natural and necessary part of the process. You move forward with acceptance, but you learn more from failure.

Did you always want to be a filmmaker? No, I always wanted to be a Scholar of Arthurian Mythology, I ended up in Real Estate Sales, and now do movies.... Slighty different. =D


What inspired you to become filmmaker? The chance to use all the skills I learned in business, sales, marketing, creative writing and showmanship all in one place.


What is the best thing about being one? Twitter. So many cool people on Twitter.

What is the worst thing about being one? Twitter. It sucks up all my time. Free or otherwise. =D

What is the estimated number of projects you have worked on? Close 10 or 12. Most never got off the ground, that why we started using to promote and get financing.

Who is your favorite filmmaker? Sean Penberthy

How has your life changed since you became a filmmaker? I work more hours and actually watch movies. Search #BladeRunner on Twitter for my thought stream as I watched the movie for the first time. @TearsinRain78 favorited this comment: "@MetronomePics: "So everytime a replicant dies a dove gets its wings?"


What is one piece of advice you can give to someone who also wants to make it in the movie business? Don't assume its easy, come ready to work, leave your ego at the door and never stop learning. I know you said one piece of advice, but you need all 4 of those things working in tandem to make it.

What do you like to do besides filmmaking? Play with my 5 month old baby girl Joleisa Lynn

Have you had any other jobs before you decided to become a filmmaker? Several, sales, real estate investor, sales, sales, oh and sales. =D

How would you describe your film education? Sink or swim, trial by fire, school of hard knocks. One of those is fine. =D

What are some of your favorite American films? Foreign films? Television shows? Favorite American film was Tombstone with Kurt Russel and Val Kilmer. Foreign Films.... Those are like porn right? Television Shows: Stargate Sg-1, The West Wing, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: Universe, Eureka, Arrested Development, Avatar the Last AirBender, Batman The Animated Series, Spiderman The Animated Series.


How would you describe the film "scene" where you live? If i ever went outside i would better be able to answer that.

How has social media changed the independent film industry? I believe that is has changed everything. It has allowed collaboration and sharing of ideas that has raised the bar for a lot of what indie films can do. @FansOfFilm said a rising tide lifts all boats ( i know hes not the original author) and he said that in regards to Indie Film makers. We can reach the top with out climbing over one another, but instead helping one another. Removing the physical limitations of distance through twitter and Facebook have allowed us to connect to the higher energies of creativity shared by all artists.

What's your opinion on crowdfunding? Its not the only way to get funding, it may not even be the best way, but it is the most fun. Metronome Pictures recently successfully funded Duhmfownd on IndieGoGo. During the month long campaign i added over 300 new followers on twitter and about 100 new fans on the Facebook page. With all these new contacts I have had the joy of developing whole new relationships that i wouldnt trade for a bigger budget.


How does independent film differ from the mainstream? I have never worked mainstream so i cant speak to that end, but i feel that a lot the differences are self imposed from both sides. The big studios aren't taking the big risks and making high quality story driven productions, but at the same time I see a lot of indies taking the risks but not adding a business element to the production. I think that over time, Indies everywhere will start to make changes about the way they do the "Business" you already see some it happening with the addition of PMD's.


You could go back in time and see and film being made. Which film would it be and why? Gone with the Wind. its my Mom's Favorite movie of all time and I could tell her about it. Also, im pretty sure i could learn to charm the pants off of any woman by hanging around Clark Gable for a few weeks. =D

Do you watch "The Walking Dead"? I don't have alot of time anymore to catch TV. If you noticed, all of my favorite TV shows are either discontinued or on the way out. =D I plan to watch it when its on blu-ray or Netflix.

What's your favorite movie quote and why?

"You're a Daisy if you do." -Val Kilmer - Doc Holiday - Tombstone

"Nonsense, I have not begun to defile myself." Also Val Kilmer- Tombstone

"You tell them the laws coming, you tell them I'm coming, and hells coming with me." Kurt- Wyatt- also Tombstone

So many great lines in that movie.

 What is your opinion on movie remakes and sequels? They had better be done right or you will have one very disappointed movie goer.

What is your opinion on book to movie adaptions? See above. They did a decent job with the Harry Potter Adaptations and i respect that. But LOTR was probably one of the best adaptations I've seen.

Is there anything else you would like to add? Thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to blog with you. We are currently raising funds for #DeaderDays on We have already raised $2750 and are the 2nd most popular project on right now.

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