C.J. West is the author of the thrillers The End of Marking Time, Sin and Vengeance, A Demon Awaits, Gretchen Greene and Taking Stock. Sin and Vengeance, the first book in C.J.’s Randy Black series, is currently in development for film with Beantown Productions, LLC (screenplay by Marla Cukor). C.J. also hosts a Blog Talk Radio show which features interviews of contemporary thriller and suspense writers. Find C.J. at www.22wb.com or at www.cjwestkills.wordpress.com.
What is the current project you are working on?
I'm finishing up Addicted to Love, a thriller about being madly in love. It's a departure from traditional suspense novels, but I really enjoyed writing about the feeling you get when you are so attached to someone that the rest of the world fades away. Addicted to Love is due October 18. I'm also working on a new 5 book series that is more of a traditional mystery series and I'm really excited to take the plunge into writing.
What is the best thing about being a writer?
The early stages of a writing project are for me what it must be like to be hooked on drugs. When I commit to a concept for a new book, I can lock myself in a room and work for days on end and be perfectly content. Plotting a new book, researching science or hobbies or locales, and writing those early drafts are great fun for me.
What is the worst thing about being one?
What is the estimated number of projects you have worked on?
I've worked on 6 books, 5 published and one due this year. I've also worked on one film adaptation (of one of my books) as an advisor. The film adaptation of Sin & Vengeance was a great experience for me even though the adaptation was written by Marla Cukor.
Who is your favorite author?
I really admire Tim Hallinan for his ability to craft lyrical prose.
What are some of your favorite books?
I have really enjoyed: Relic, Through Violet Eyes, Blackhawk Down, Death Troupe and many others.
How would you describe the writing "scene" where you live?
There is no writing scene where I live. I'm in the country where I can find 100 wild animals for every writer I encounter. The solitude makes this a fantastic place to work. I take long walks and soak in the scenery and when I'm finished I'm energized to get back into my work.
How has social media changed the publishing industry?
The combination of social media and electronic publishing have made it possible to make a living as a mid-list writer. I think that is the most important change in the writing community in many years. Readers can connect
with new authors, sample their work, and tell them what they thought of it all without leaving home. This is a remarkable change that is already having a major impact on the industry.
What is your thought process like when you're writing?
As I have matured as a writer, I've begun to think more strategically about my stories. I enjoy exploring my characters' lives and as I learn about them, I think about how to tell their story so it will delight readers.
You could have any super power. What would it be?
I want to have the power to entertain millions of people with my stories.
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